# Loans

In this screen we have 3 options. it includes add new loan, edit loan and search loan.

In the loan grid we have an option of dropdown for showing; paid amount, pending amount, and payment frequency

If you want to add a new loan to the employee, simply fill in all the mandatory fields along with any other relevant information. This will help us create a comprehensive profile for your loan, ensuring accurate and efficient management.

Should you need to make any changes or updates to an existing loan, you can easily click on the corresponding row or edit option.

While editing the loan we can see the Loan information, and loan payments.

In loan information we can only edit the payment date, request date, and payment date;

And in loan payment we can see an add new payment button for new payment filed , when we hover on the ellipsis-vertical icon. In this we can see the 3 three option

  • Edit mark as paid

while click on the edit mask as paid; the pending amount status will chage into paid.

  • Hold payment

While we clicking on the hold payment button; the pending or paid amount status will change into suspend.

  • Delete repayment

while we clicking on the delete payment button; the paid, pending, or suspended payments will deleted for the corresponding row.

And we can see the approve button on the top of the edit field,

it is an important think that; when you click the approve button you can’t edit or update and can’t delete the loan,

if you need any changes in following payment date, request date, and repayment in loan information fields please edit before approve,

and we can also edit the loan payments by clicking edit button

while clicking on the edit button we can see the edit option and add new payment options of the loan payment

In case you need to find specific loan information quickly, you can utilise the search functionality. By entering relevant employee name, you can retrieve the loan details you are looking for in a matter of seconds. This feature saves you valuable time and effort.