# Community

Community In this screen we have 2 option; add new post, and edit.

  1. Add new post

To create a new post, simply fill all the mandatory fields and provide the necessary details. This includes selecting the employee group for which the community post is intended, writing the message itself, and specifying the message validity period. Additionally, you can enable notifications, ensuring that the message is sent to the designated recipients' business or personal emails. By adding a new post, you can easily share important updates, announcements, or reminders with your employees.

  1. Edit bulletin

To view or edit an existing community post, simply click on the respective row.

This will open a detailed view of the selected post, allowing you to make any necessary changes. While editing the post, you will notice a publish button, which enables you to publish the bulletin to specific employee groups.

This ensures that the message reaches the intended audience. Additionally, if needed, you have the option to delete a post.

Our Community feature provides a streamlined platform for sharing essential information with your employees. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive options, you can easily create, edit, and publish post, fostering effective communication throughout your organisation.